SEO Plugins for GPT Chat

As we already know, ChatGPT has creat a lot of buzz and the world of AI is here to stay. Not only in digital marketing but SEO Plugins for  also in our field, organic positioning. 

That is why we are attentive to the changes -which are certainly constant- that ChatGPT presents, and the latest one we found is in its latest version ChatGPT 4, the plugins.

As we know, ChatGPT plugins are tools that allow you to customize your chat and access more up-to-date information from specific sources to obtain better results. If you want more information, we have a post where we talk in more depth about the plugins and their advantages.

Testing ChatGPT SEO Plugins


The other day we start a very constructive conversation in the office about plugins, where Pau pass us a Linkin post by Chase Dimond where they were talking about specific plugins for SEO from a tweet post by @Sharyph and we start to talk among some of the #seogirls that were there – “seogirls” is how I have nam our SEO team which is mainly made up of Alba, Ana, Susana, Josselyn and myself? – about the plugins that each one of us was testing and had learn about.

And I say testing, because I think we are in that phase, we are testing all the information we receive from different sources. Sometimes we find a great ally and other times it is better to keep looking, but what we are clear about is that ChatGPT is a good ally tool for SEO.


Well, taking into account this conversation, we thought it would be interesting to show the use of different SEO plugins and see what benefits we can get from them or which ones, on the contrary, ne to be improv. And here I go.

The plugins I have us are 3, since, at the moment, ChatGPT allows you to use 3 plugins at the same time. It should be not that more can be install, but only 3 can be select in the conversation. These will be the following:


Before starting, it is important to name the prompts, since depending on how we write the query and how we focus them, we can obtain better iraq phone number data information or fall short. I have tri to make these useful, but like everything, we are also in the process of improving them.

iraq phone number data

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