Other phone numbers: Forward calls to another number.
Create an automated
Voicemail: Send unanswered Middle East Mobile Number List calls to voicemail.
Menu for callers to navigate.
If your service will handle text messages, use your VoIP provider’s API to configure SMS handling.
SMS Configuration
Set up endpoints to receive incoming SMS and define how outgoing messages are sent.
Develop User Interfaces and APIs
To make your service user-friendly, consider developing a web interface or mobile app.
Where users can manage
Their phone numbers, view call logs, send SMS, and adjust settings.
Web Interface Use web
Technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript (React, Angular, or Vue.js), and backend frameworks
To build a web portal
Purchase and manage phone numbers. Configure call forwarding and voicemail.
This portal can allow users to
View call history and SMS Buy Phone Number List logs API Development .